TikTok’s Return to the App Store: A Temporary Reprieve or a Path Forward?
While this reinstatement means that publishers, brands, and creators can continue engaging with audiences on TikTok, the platform’s long-term future remains uncertain.
Data is what can make the difference between a “yes” and a “no” — but how do you gather data without overwhelming your customers?
Data drives decisions, especially if you're in the marketing world. Before you can convince your company to invest in an idea, you have to present some proof of its potential. Data is what can make the difference between a “yes” and a “no” — but how do you gather data without overwhelming your customers?
One method is first-party data. In this form of data collection, companies pick up data from social media, website traffic, and other direct interactions with an audience. Most of the time, customers have shared data without even realizing what has happened. First-party data allows companies to be first in line to gather up that data about their audience. The findings can be helpful for gaining a better understanding about customers’ needs and behaviors.
If you understand your customers’ behavior more, you can do a better job of meeting their needs. You can even help them solve problems they didn’t know they had. Another benefit is a greater opportunity for creating personalized experiences while interacting with your brand.
First-party data collection happens faster — and easier — than you think. Here are a few examples:
The best part about this kind of data collection is that there is no interference. It is the most direct form of data collection, and it is very helpful for determining your next steps.
We’re spending the bulk of our time talking about first-party data collection, but do you know about the others? Second-party data and third-party data are also collection methods for marketers.
CMSWire said it best: [First-party data] is the equivalent of getting information directly from a friend, whereas third-party cookie data equates to someone telling you about a person you don't know.
With second-party data, you didn’t gather the information yourself. Instead, you worked with another data collector who has a shared interest. They will also benefit from the insight. For companies, this can mean a company purchases data from another source. Again, they didn’t gather the data first-hand, but they are still receiving information about their customers. One benefit of second-party data is that it provides a fresh set of search criteria. For example, you may learn new details about your customers that you never thought to consider.
Third-party data is the most far removed from gathering data from your audience. In this case, the business that gathers the data doesn’t have a shared interest or a direct relationship with your audience. A lot of third-party data is collected in a random sampling. It takes away from the strength of directly gathering information from an audience.
When you have taken the time to study your audience, it pays off — literally. For some companies, it means more website traffic or views. For others, it can mean a boost in purchases. The top benefits are personalization and more targeted engagement.
The benefits of first-party data have captured the attention of many businesses, but there are challenges, too.
Gathering up data and storing it in one place is one of the first obstacles to tackle. Since first-party data comes from many sources, it involves teamwork and input from other departments. You may need data from the sales department who answered questions through an online chat. Marketers will then need to share what they have from their other sources. Once everything is put together, someone has to prioritize which data points make the most sense.
Another big issue: privacy. While gathering information is as easy as 1-2-3 these days, companies must keep in mind the rules and regulations created to protect individuals and their privacy.
While weighing the pros and cons of data collections, first-party data is the future way of staying connected with your audience, strengthening customer loyalty, and making sure your messages hits the right inbox every time.