Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature for Enhanced Well-Being

The biophilic design adds things like natural lighting, plants, water bodies and features, and organic materials to buildings in a bid to improve the quality of human life.

Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature for Enhanced Well-Being
Katie Metz // Adriana Lacy Consulting

Biophilic design is quite an inspiring concept that aims at enabling more actual connections to the natural environment by bringing building occupants closer to nature. As per the biophilia theory, this design incorporates natural components in construction and interiors for enhanced well-being.

Essentially, the biophilic design adds things like natural lighting, plants, water bodies and features, and organic materials to buildings in a bid to improve the quality of human life. Adding these items also increases productivity per unit area and provides natural tranquility.

Read on to learn more about the principles of biophilic design, its benefits for mental health and productivity, and how businesses and designers can incorporate natural elements into their spaces.

Key Principles of Biophilic Design

Biophilic design encompasses a set of principles that aim to integrate elements of nature into the built environment, thereby enhancing human well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction. Here are the six key principles of biophilic design:

Environmental Features

This principle deals with the actual building materials or features derived from nature. It includes natural properties like light, water, plants, material, and stone interiors among others. These elements assist in establishing a direct connection with nature and are therefore effective in bringing about joy and comfort, elevating mood, and diminishing stress.

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Natural Shapes and Forms

Biophilic design often integrates organic shapes and forms that mimic those found in nature. These consist of curves, arches, and irregular shapes, which contrast with the straight lines and rigid geometry typical of many built environments. By using these organic shapes, spaces can evoke a sense of harmony and comfort akin to natural settings.

Natural Patterns and Processes

An important principle that ensures occupants engage their senses as they would outside in nature. You can incorporate natural patterns that occur in nature, including repetitive patterns like fractals or spirals, or add a touch of natural processes like weathering or light-dark rhythm. As these components of nature change across seasons, say grow or age, they stimulate and engage your senses.

Light and Space

Since biophilic design focuses on nature in the building, interior space can benefit from good natural lighting and free-form plans. Daylighting through windows, skylights, and open floor designs aids in saving artificial lighting energy. They also improve the aesthetics of the various spaces within interior architectural designs.

Place-Based Relationships

Emphasizes designing spaces that are rooted in specific contexts, whether cultural, geographical, or ecological. You can incorporate elements that reflect the local ecology, history, and community values. By integrating local materials, cultural motifs, and designs inspired by regional landscapes, biophilic spaces foster a deeper sense of belonging and connection to the place.

Evolved Human-Nature Relationships

Strengthening the emotional and psychological bond between humans and nature is an important principle of biophilic design. Consider stimulating curiosity and engagement and fostering a holistic human-nature relationship through elements that encourage exploration and sensory interaction with nature, such as gardens, natural sounds, and tactile materials.

Benefits of Biophilic Design for Mental Health and Productivity

The integration of biophilic design elements has a positive impact on mental health and productivity. Some benefits of incorporating natural features and their patterns into interior designs include:

Reduced Stress

Natural resources have a calming effect that can help manage stress. It also lowers cortisol levels within ten minutes of contact with a natural environment, which is vital in reducing stress levels.

Enhanced Mood and Mental Well-Being

One standout benefit of natural elements is their positive effects on individuals’ mood and general psychological health. Precisely, environments that are nature-like allow for an increase in the levels of calm and happiness and a decrease in anxiety and depression.

Increased Cognitive Function and Creativity

The principles of biophilic design can help one improve concentration, attention, and problem-solving abilities. Biophilic design brings the natural environment closer to you, and according to research viewing nature fosters curiosity and imagination, which contributes to creativity and innovation.

Improved Productivity and Performance

Organizations with biophilic office designs ultimately promote enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction. Studies have identified that natural lighting, adding plants to offices, and views of nature enhance concentration and improve productivity by up to 38%.

How to Incorporate Biophilic Design in Business and Design Practices

The principles of Biophilic design make it possible to improve the experience and performance in business and design practices. Here are some strategies to integrate biophilic design effectively in these settings:

Use Natural Materials

Using natural materials such as wood, stones, and other materials in designing interiors helps people have a connection to nature. You can use natural materials to make furniture, floor, and even the finishing on your walls.

Incorporate Green Spaces

Bring the outside feeling indoors by incorporating indoor plantages, green walls, and rooftop gardens. These green elements enhance the quality of air in the buildings and their aesthetics.

Maximize Natural Light

The importance of natural light cannot be stressed enough. Natural light improves well-being and mood, helps you focus and stay productive, boosts vitamin D synthesis, and improves sleep. Biophilic designs help you maximize natural light by having big windows, skylights, or free and open spaces.

Create Outdoor Spaces

You can create open access to terraces, patios, or gardens where employees can take short breaks and clear their minds. Your business can also utilize these outdoor spaces for holding meetings, dining, utilize it for team building, or even when working in groups.

Add Water Features

Water features such as fountains, aquariums, and water ponds, add to the aesthetics and creates a soothing and serene space that makes people feel relaxed.

Nature-Inspired Artwork and Décor

Employing artworks and decorations that depict the environment or motifs originating from nature can make people feel closer to the natural environment even if the building is located in the center of a city.

Biophilic design solutions allow businessmen and designers to create spaces that meet the aesthetic needs of occupants and improve well-being. Since the places we live in and interiors we work – or hopefully play – in, deeply influence our well-being, it's important to embrace biophilic designs to bring nature closer to our homes and offices for improved productivity.

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