TikTok’s Return to the App Store: A Temporary Reprieve or a Path Forward?
While this reinstatement means that publishers, brands, and creators can continue engaging with audiences on TikTok, the platform’s long-term future remains uncertain.
There are many skills that professional fundraisers have that anyone in your nonprofit can gain. Here are just a few.
Nonprofits, by nature, have to know how to effectively fundraise. By proxy, this extends to everyone working at a nonprofit – from call center employees to creatives, knowing how to get people invested in your organization’s mission is crucial to success. It simply isn’t enough to have a great purpose for why you exist. Thankfully, with the rise of the internet and digital marketing, there are many ways for you to promote your nonprofit organization. From social media to virtual events, getting your mission out there is easier than ever, and so is finding your target audience.
At the same time, though, being able to combine these together to hold an efficient fundraiser might be difficult. With the ease of distribution comes the quickness of the modern internet, where information travels at such a rapid pace that it might be challenging to keep up with it. Thankfully, this isn’t entirely a new phenomenon, as new technologies and methods of messaging have posed potential challenges and opportunities in the fundraising sphere for years.
That is why, if you want to conduct a successful fundraiser, you don’t necessarily have to have extensive experience. Yes, having a fundraising professional or a gift officer is essential for any nonprofit. However, many independently-financed organizations that aren’t necessarily traditional nonprofits require its employees to have skills that can be used in both fundraising efforts and your typical workload. Some of these can include:
No matter what form they take, fundraisers are events. This means that you need to plan them meticulously in order for you to maximize its potential for success. Helping to create the fundraiser from the initial pitch to the final total raised can give you the knowledge you need to plan other major events within your organization.
While this might seem like an obvious trait that someone should have, it’s still a critical one to have because it means you are listening and reacting to the world around you. Being in-tune with what is happening in the world and the flurry of emotions that come with it will help legitimize your mission. It’s extremely important not to exploit potential backers with your organization’s empathy, but still have it be palpable and evident.
When people put money into nonprofits, they expect that money to be put to the causes and missions the organization claims to represent. As such, it is important to know exactly where donations and contributions are going to, and be able to answer any questions. If you are able to discuss these details in a clear and concise manner, you’ll be an effective communicator in all aspects of your organization.
As we have seen over the past few years, the needs of the world can change in an instant. Being able to adapt to new situations and technologies in the best ways possible is critical to maintaining credibility. It also ensures trust in your donors and supporters because such action proves that your organization can weather difficult situations.